
We are using this secure online review to assess your asthma and gather some relevant lifestyle information. Your answers will always be seen by the asthma team and you can indicate at the end if you feel further discussion is needed.

OPTIONAL: You can submit peak flow readings, weight and height

SAFETY: Your answers will be attached to your medical record but may not be seen immediately. This system should never be used if you are in need of urgent medical attention. In this event, please contact the appropriate services (999 or 111) or the practice as normal.

If you are completing this review on your phone and would rather use a computer then please click/tap the 'Complete Later' button at the bottom of this screen to be emailed a link or type the link you received (please ensure you copy the entire link EXACTLY) into a normal browser window (eg Chrome or Microsoft Edge). Additionally, if you cannot complete the entire review in one sitting it is possible to return later to finish. Your answers are saved after each page. Simply click/tap the 'Complete Later' button.

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